CSCI 362 — Lab 2b

Vector: a std::vector class

Due: June 4, 2019 @ 6:00PM


Grab the handout tarfile from here:


I have given you a somewhat incomplete implementation of Vector. Vector is almost exactly like std::vector but with a few minor differences we won't really care or worry about. You are tasked with implementing several member functions.

This is not a small file! I'm giving you 500+ lines of code and you'll be adding to it. It's easy to become overwhelmed --- so I'm providing you a "path toward success".

  1. I recommend solving the pieces in the order I have them listed
  2. I am giving you a comprehensive unit test autograder as part of the handout
  3. If you are ever unsure of the behavior of Vector, you can always write code and compare it to what happens when you use std::vector

Required functions

// constructors, destructors, special functions

template <typename InputIterator>
Vector (InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

Vector (Vector const& other);

~Vector ();

Vector&         operator= (Vector const& other);
Vector&         operator= (Vector&& other);
Vector&         operator= (std::initializer_list<T> ilist);

void            assign (size_type count, T const& value);

// access

reference       operator[] (size_type pos);
const_reference operator[] (size_type pos) const;

reference       back();
const_reference back();

// iterators

iterator        begin() noexcept;
const_iterator  begin() const noexcept;
iterator        end()   noexcept;
const_iterator  end()   const noexcept;

// size/capacity operations

bool            empty()    const noexcept;
size_type       capacity() const noexcept;

void            shrink_to_fit();

// mutator functions

// NOTE: not part of std::vector
iterator        impl_safe_iterator (const_iterator pos, size_type elements = 1);

void            clear();

iterator        erase (const_iterator pos);
iterator        erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last);

void            push_back (T const& value);
void            push_back (T&& value);

void            pop_back();

void            resize (size_type count);
void            resize (size_type count, value_type const& value);

Implementation Details

I recommend working on the functions in the following order. I've also included how many points each part is worth

Running the autograder

Invoking make should create the autograder. If it says autograder up to date then you can type rm autograder and re-run make

There can be a lot of output shown from the autograder. Some of it could be overwhelming at times. I recommend adding a couple of arguments to the autograder to help ease the pain.

./autograder -a

Will run the autograder and stop as soon as the first FAILURE is found

./autograder -t

Will list all of the tags for each of the tests. If you want to run a specific subset of tags you can do so by stating the following:

./autograder [access],[iterator]

Will run all tests that have the access and iterator tags


Use good programming style:


Please submit Vector.hpp to autolab


This lab is graded out of 100 points