Development Environment for Java

Java Development Kit

  1. Visit

  2. Click “JDK Download” under the Oracle JDK Section

  3. Download the appropriate installer

    • If running Windows 10, choose “Windows x64 Installer”

    • If running macOS, choose “macOS Installer”

    JDK Download Listing
  4. In order to download the installer you must accept the “Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE”. You are supposed to read it, but you can just check the box and click the download button

    JDK License
  5. Run the downloaded installer, leaving all options set to their default.

Eclipse IDE

  1. Visit

  2. Click the “Download” button on the top right

  3. Click the Download button located beneath “Get Eclipse IDE”

Eclipse Download
  1. Click the Download button

  2. Run the Installer

  3. Choose “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”

Eclipse Installer
  1. (Recommended) Leave the location set to its default.

  2. Click Install

  3. You will get a popup for Unsigned Content. Check “Remember choice” and click “Accept”

Eclipse allow Unsigned Content
  1. Click “Open in System Explorer”

    • If running Windows 10, create a shortcut to eclipse on your desktop if not already done
    • If running macOS, you can move the Eclipse application to the /Applications folder on your mac (or wherever you want)

Setting Up Eclipse

  1. Run the Eclipse IDE
Eclipse IDE Splash Screen
  1. Check the “Use this as the default and do not ask again” checkbox
Eclipse Workspace
  1. Click Launch, noting the location of the workspace eclipse-workspace under your account

  2. Click the “Create a Java project” link

Eclipse Create Project
  1. Name your project “Test”

  2. Click “Next”

  3. Uncheck “Create file”

Eclipse Project Configuration
  1. Click “Don’t Create”
Eclipse Module Information
  1. Navigate to File > New > Class

    Eclipse Create Class
    • Enter a name for the class like Hello. It must always be UpperCamelCase (also called PascalCase)

    • Check the “public static void main(String[] args) option under”Which method stubs would you like to create?"

  2. Click Finish

  3. Add a println statement to the main method

  4. Click the Green “Play/Run” button

Eclipse Run File


Dr. Hogg has graciously recorded a video for getting started in Eclipse and Autolab. You can view the video by following this link: