CSCI 362: Introduction to C++


Complete the tutorial lessons on C++ and investigate the questions below.


Complete the following lessons on C++ for Java Programmers:

NOTE: The examples assume that a “using directive”, namely using namespace std;, was written before function “main”.


  1. Clearly discuss FIVE (5) NON-TRIVIAL differences between C++ and Java (e.g., avoid statements similar to “C++ requires a semicolon in this context, while Java does not”). Number the differences and skip a line between each. Write AT LEAST THREE (3) sentences for each difference.

  2. Conduct some research and list THREE (3) programs that you use most every day that are written in C++. How do these programs likely benefit from being written in C++?

What to Submit

Do NOT submit anything (to Autolab, or otherwise), but be PREPARED to discuss your results.