CSCI 330: Tail Recursion with OCaml
- to continue to gain hands-on experience with OCaml
- to practice construction of nested functions (closures)
- to analyze and implement various functions which leverage tail recursion
You have been tasked with implementing several additional functions in OCaml. All of the programs require relatively little coding ranging from 2 to 10 lines. If any function requires more than that, you will need to rethink your solution.
- Download the handout file from Autolab
- Update each of the functions with your own solutions. As a reminder, you are expected to complete this individually.
- Test your program using the OCaml environment installed on the Linux Lab machines
- Submit your updated handout file to the “Lab 2” Autolab assignment.
- You may not use references, arrays, or loops. You may also not use any additional libraries.
Grading Note: Correctness is done through autolab, but there are some requirements for this assignment which require me to manually inspect your code. Make sure you meet all requirements – if you fail to follow the specifications, expect to lose points even if it yields the correct results
Function Descriptions
You are required to implement each of the following functions. They should bind only one symbol at the top level. DO NOT litter the global namespace with helper functions. NEST THEM
(6 points)
A simple recursive function which computes factorial of a passed
integer. Use if-then-else
within this function. n
must be non-negative. The structure will be manually
Expected Output
(* int = 24 *)
(7 points)
is like factorial1
except you
should use pattern matching instead of if-then-else
The structure will be manually inspected
(7 points)
This is a tail-recursive function which should compute factorial. NOTE: you will need an internal helper function. The structure will be manually inspected
(15 points)
Write a function to compute fibonacci numbers (in the sequence
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...
where each number is the sum of the
previous two numbers on the list). Use pattern matching (no
statements). Use a tail recursive solution to
make sure the function doesn’t take exponential time. The
structure will be manually inspected. Call your function
. A call to fibonacci
should return
the n th number in the sequence where n is
Test your function by computing the 90th fibonacci number. What happens when you try to compute larger numbers? Why? Indicate the answer in a comment in your code. ENSURE you address these questions.
Expected Output
(* int = 2 *)
(15 points)
Write a function sqrt that takes a tolerance tol
and a
floating-point number x
which computes the square root of
that number to within the tolerance specified. The function should look
like this:
let sqrt tol x = (* your code here *)
and should have the type signature:
val sqrt : float -> float -> float = <fun>
Don’t use a library function to compute square roots. Instead, use this algorithm: for an input x and a candidate square root y, compute a better approximation by:
next(y) = average(y, x / y)
This is not OCaml notation, of course. Repeat this process until the
approximation squared is close enough to x, with “close enough”
specified by the first argument (tol
). Note that the
function to compute absolute values of floating-point values is called
(5 points)
Write a specialized version of the previous function called
which will compute square roots to a tolerance of
. Use the previous function to define this function.
Don’t refer to the input variable x in your function
definition. This is a one-liner.
(10 points)
Write a simply-recursive function (not tail recursive) called
that takes two arguments (a function and a list) and
returns a new list consisting of the function applied to each member of
the original list. There is a built-in map function. You may
not use it. The structure will be manually
(10 points)
Write another mapping function called map2
which is
identical to map
except that it is tail-recursive. You may
find your reverseList
function from the first lab to be
useful (if so, make sure this function is rewritten to be tail
recursive). You may NOT use the library reverse function, as we want you
to gain more experience with tail recursion. The structure will
be manually inspected.
(5 points)
Write a function called range which takes two integers a and
b as arguments and returns a list of all the integers in the
range [a, b]
(including a and b). If
b is less than a, an empty list should be
Expected Output
2 5;;
(* int list = [2; 3; 4; 5] *)
(5 points)
NOTE: This is not a function, but is instead a value
Use your map
, sqrt2
, and range
functions to compute a value called roots
which is a list
of the square roots of the numbers 1 through 20 to a tolerance of
(expressed as floats). You will need the built-in
function float_of_int
which converts integers to floats.
You can also do this in one line.
as the “Tail Recursion” assignment
through Autolab
100 points total
- 85 points on passing the autolab tests
- 15 points on documentation, formatting, describing what your code does, style, and adhering to the specifications and instructions listed
- NOTE points may be adjusted on the autograded component if you do not match the appropriate style/implementation requirements.
This assignment was adapted from CalTech’s CSE 11 course.