Getting Started with Autolab CLI

The Autolab command-line program provides students with the ability to:


  1. Invoke autolab setup from the terminal
  2. Type y to agree to the terms (READ THEM)
  3. Ctrl-Click on the URL to login to autolab
  4. Copy the 6-character authentication code using Ctrl-Shift-C
  5. Paste the authentication code
  6. (If necessary) Click “Authorized”

Viewing Courses

[user@hostname ~] $ autolab courses
  362-s20 (CSCI 362)
  476-s20 (CSCI 476)

Viewing Assignments for a given course

Note: you will have to use the course ID (e.g. 362-s20)

[user@hostname ~] $ autolab assessments 362-s20
  array (Array)
  elementarysorts (Elementary Sorts)
  introtoc (Intro to C++)
  statredux (Statistician Redux)

Downloading an Assignment

[user@hostname ~] $ autolab download 362-s20:elementarysorts 
Querying assessment 'elementarysorts' of course '362-s20' ...
Creating directory /home/faculty/wkillian/elementarysorts
Handout downloaded into assessment directory
Writeup URL:

Due: Mon Feb 10 23:59:00 2020

Submit Assignments

Assuming handin.tar is your filename (and within the assessment folder), you can simply invoke

[user@hostname elementarysorts] $ autolab submit handin.tar
Submitting to 362-s20:elementarysorts ...
Successfully submitted to Autolab (version N)

If you want to wait for the autograder feedback, add a -w

[user@hostname elementarysorts] $ autolab submit handin.tar
Submitting to 362-s20:elementarysorts ...
Successfully submitted to Autolab (version 9)

Waiting for scores to be ready ...
| version | auto (69.0) | style (6.0) | 
|       9 |        16.0 |          -- | 

Viewing scores

[user@hostname elementarysorts] $ autolab scores 
Scores for 362-s20:elementarysorts
(Only submissions made via this client can be shown)

| version | auto (69.0) | style (6.0) | 
|       9 |        16.0 |          -- | 

Manual Submission

If you just want to submit any file that was NOT acquired using autolab download, do the following:

autolab submit COURSEID:ASSIGNID <filename> [-w]


autolab submit 362-s20:elementarysorts handin.tar -w

Will submit handin.tar for the elementarysorts lab and wait for autograder feedback

BONUS – Augmenting your Makefile

For Prof. Killian’s (and potentially other) courses, handins can usually be generated via a Makefile

You can add a new rule to your Makefile which will do the submission dirty work for you!

For example, the following snippet will allow you to say make submit from the terminal and will submit for you!

submit: handin
    autolab submit 362-s20:elementarysorts handin.tar -w