How To Set Up Your Linux Account to Use Mpi =========================================== Carefully follow the steps below. A ">" indicates your prompt so don't type it. 0) Generate a public/private key pair for logging into other machines in the cluster without using a password. >ssh-keygen Accept the default key file of ~/.ssh/id_rsa by pressing return. Use an empty passphrase, so press enter in response to the next question. Enter the empty passphrase a second time. 1) Copy your public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. >cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 2) Logon to another machine and verify that a password isn't necessary. >ssh boole You will be asked if you want to continue connecting. Enter "yes". If you are prompted for a password then you incorrectly entered one of the previous commands. Either try again from step 3 or contact me. Logout from the remote machine. >exit 3) Run the "" 4) Copy and edit the mca-params.conf file to ~/.openmpi/mca-params.conf to mention YOUR home directory rather than mine 5) Compile and launch programs as follows. Modify your Makefile so that CXX = mpic++. >mpic++ -Wall -o Hello >mpirun -n ./Hello