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CSCI 421 Spring 2024 Schedule*
Thomas Rogers
* subject to change
revised Dec 18th, 2023

Date Week Topic Reading
Jan 17 1 Lecture 1 - Syllabus Review, Introduction to Full Stack Development Manning Part 1 - Introducing Full-Stack Development, Manning Part 1:1, 1:2
Jan 22 2 Lab 0 - Lab Intro
Jan 24 Lecture 2 - Overview of MEAN Manning Part 2:3 - Creating and Setting Up a MEAN Project
Jan 29 3 Lab 1 - "My First MEAN Project"
Jan 31 Lecture 3 - Node and Express Static Website Manning Part 2:4 - Building a Static Site with Node and Express
Feb 5 4 Lab 2 - "Node and Express Site in GitHub"
Fep 7 Lecture 4 - MongoDB Manning Part 2:5 - Building a Data Model with MongoDB and Mongoose
Fep 12 5 Lab 3 - "Data Driven Website"
Fep 14 Lecture 5 - REST API Writing and Consuming, Mid-term Exam Study Guide Manning Part 2:6 - Writing a REST API, Part 2:7 Consuming a REST API
Fep 19 6 Lab 4 - "REST API Website" - Mid-Term Study Guide Q & A
Feb 21 Mid-Term Exam
Feb 26 7 Lab 4 (continued) - "REST API Website"
Feb 28 Lecture 6 - Angular Introduction Manning Part 3:8 - Adding Angular Components to an Express Application
Mar 4-8 Spring Recess - No Classes
Mar 11 8 Lab 5 - "Angular Website"
Mar 13 Lecture 7 - Angular (continued) Part 3:9 - Building a Single-Page Application with Angular: Foundations
Mar 18 9 Lab 5 - "Angular Website (continued)"
Mar 20 Lecture 8 - Authenticating Users, Managing Sessions, Securing APIs Manning Part 4 - Managing Authentication and User Sessions
Mar 25 10 Lab 6 - "Secure API and User Authentication"
Mar 27 Lecture 9 - Node and Express Deeper Dive O'Reilly Chapters 1 through 6
Apr 1 11 Lab 7 - "User-Based Security"
Apr 3 Lecture 10 - Handelbars, Cookies & Sessions, etc. O'Reilly Chapters 7 through 15
Apr 8 12 Lab 8 - "Final Project"
Apr 10 Lecture 11 - Implementing MVC in Express, Security, Debugging, etc. O'Reilly Chapters 16 through 23
Apr 15 13 Lab 8 - "Final Project"
Apr 17 Lecture 12 - Catch Up Lecture
Apr 22 14 Lab 8 - "Final Project" (continued)
Apr 24 Lecture 13 - Final Exam Review
May 1 Final Exam (6:00pm-7:50pm)