CSCI 406 - Lecture 10
Instructor's Class Notes
- Chapter 7 - Templating with Handlebars
- Similar to EJS, has partials, looping, etc. and is in-line with HTML.
- Has Views and Templates (which are actually pretty cool).
- Chapter 8 - Form Handling
- General overview of forms.
- Handling forms with Express.
- File upload form - Useful for many websites where user can upload a file.
- Chapter 9 - Cookies and Sessions
- Describes the use of cookies, cautions against abusing them (used too much).
- How to use one cookie with session id.
- Managing session on the server.
- Chapter 10 - Middleware
- Introduces the idea of middleware, which are the modules and libraries that provide useful additional Express features.
- List of Common Middleware (give it a read).
- Chapter 11 - Sending Email
- Your website may need to send or receive email, automatically. This chapter describes how.
- HTML Email - How to write a good HTML email.
- Nodemailer - a module that sends email.
- Using email to send alerts to admins when your site breaks.
- Chapter 12 - Production Concerns
- Environment specific configurations (dev vs production).
- Scaling techniques reviewed (app clusters, multiple servers).
- Monitoring your website.
- Stress testing via loadtest.
- Chapter 13 - Persistence
- Filesystem persistence.
- Cloud persistence - AWS S3 example... I highly recommend this.
- Database persistence - Overview of MongoDB.
- Using MongoDB for Session Storage - currency format preference example.
- Chapter 14 - Routing
- Good collection of Dos and Don'ts for URL conventions.
- Routes and SEO (search order optimization).
- Subdomains - when to use.
- Overview of how to program routes in Express (you already know this).
- Chapter 15 - REST APIs and JSON
- Mostly things you already know.
- CORS - Cross-Original Resource Sharing; a very good resource on how to update your Express app should it need to use a REST API from another domain.