CSCI 161 - Lab 10: Car Class


The objectives of this lab are to reinforce and help teach:


In this lab, you will develop a class that is the OOP representation of a car.

You will not write a program but instead only the Car class and that will be developed in a file. The main program is give here and should be copied into your Lab10 project as

Again, you will have to create your own class according to the specification below.


Develop your Car class as follows

  1. Your class should have the following Class state (fields) that describe the make, model, year of the car, along with the car's mpg rating, how long the car accelerates from 0 to 60 mpg, as well as the car's current speed, as follows:
            private String make;
            private String model;
            private int year;
            private double mpg;
            private double zeroToSixty;
            private double speed;
  2. Your car needs a default constructor that initializes state as follows:
            this.make = "undefined";
            this.model = "undefined";
            this.year = 1900;
            this.mpg = 0.0;
            this.zeroToSixty = 0.0;
            this.speed = 0;
  3. Your car also needs a parameterized Constructor that sets make, model, year, mpg, and zeroToSixty according to the values passed into the constructor.
  4. Include a toString accessor method using the code provide below (unchanged):
    	 * toString - returns a string representation of the Car
    	public String toString() {
    		return String.format("Make=%s, Model=%s, Year=%d, MPG=%.2f, Zero to Sixty in %.2f seconds, Current Speed=%.2f mph.",
  5. Include an accelerate mutator method with the prototype (name, returns, params) starting with the code below and finish the method so that it updates the speed as expected. You will have to do math and only change the code where the comment is:
                * accelerate - accelerates the car for a supplied number of seconds
                public void accelerate(int seconds) {
                    System.out.printf("\tAccelarating %s %s for %d seconds.\n", this.make, this.model, seconds);
                    this.speed += /* put your code here */;
  6. Include a brake mutator method with the prototype (name, returns, params) as below and finish the method so that it updates the speed as expected. You will have to do math and only change the code where the comment is:
                * brakes - brakes (decelerates) the car for a supplied number of seconds limiting the
                *          lowest speed to be 0.00 mph.
                public void brake(int seconds) {
                    System.out.printf("\tBraking %s %s for %d seconds.\n", this.make, this.model, seconds);
                    this.speed = /* put your code here */;


Following are the instructions and you should follow them carefully:

  1. Using Eclipse create a new Java Project and name it: Lab10
  2. As with all your labs, add a class of the same name, Lab10 and in that class file copy in the code supplied in the link above.
  3. Create a Car class in the same directory as The class should be contained with and and should adhere to the Specification above.
  4. Your Car class should be properly commented, indented and use whitespace appropriately.
  5. Your main program class should not be updated. You will not be submitting that file but it is the class that you run to test your Car class.
  6. Your program should output *exactly* according to the Output Specification below which should not be a problem as the main method code has been supplied to you, as have all other methods withing the Car class that output things or generate strings that are output. The only thing that could be "off" in your output is your speed calculations (accelerate and brake methods), so fix those if needed.
  7. When the lab is complete and working submit via AutoLab.

Output Specification

Following is the desired output (yes, the word "accelerating" is spelled incorrectly, your program should output the misspelling):

Car c1: Make=undefined, Model=undefined, Year=1900, MPG=0.00, Zero to Sixty in 0.00 seconds, Current Speed=0.00 mph.

Car c2: Make=Chevrolet, Model=Corvette, Year=1953, MPG=13.70, Zero to Sixty in 11.20 seconds, Current Speed=0.00 mph.

Car c3: Make=Ford, Model=Mustang, Year=1967, MPG=13.90, Zero to Sixty in 7.50 seconds, Current Speed=0.00 mph.
	Accelarating Ford Mustang for 10 seconds.
Car c3: Make=Ford, Model=Mustang, Year=1967, MPG=13.90, Zero to Sixty in 7.50 seconds, Current Speed=80.00 mph.
	Braking Ford Mustang for 5 seconds.
Car c3: Make=Ford, Model=Mustang, Year=1967, MPG=13.90, Zero to Sixty in 7.50 seconds, Current Speed=40.00 mph.
	Braking Ford Mustang for 6 seconds.
Car c3: Make=Ford, Model=Mustang, Year=1967, MPG=13.90, Zero to Sixty in 7.50 seconds, Current Speed=0.00 mph.        


When you submit your lab through AutoLab it will automatically be graded through autograder and any grade less than 80% means your program's output is incorrect and should be updated. Please refer to the following to understand AutoLab's error reporting.


This lab must be AutoLab submitted to the instructor by 11:59pm on the Monday a week after it was assigned. Check AutoLab for the specific due date.