CSCI 121 - Lecture 5 - Lists
Topics Covered
- <UL>, <LI> - Unordered lists, List items
- <UL> - Unordered List
- type attribute - deprecated in HTML5 with partial support in many browsers
- default - disc, aka bullet, aka filled circle
- square - square, unfilled
- circle - circle, unfilled
- style="list-style-type:circle"
- <LI> - List item. Used in UL, OL and MENU lists.
- <OL> - Ordered lists
- reversed attribute. reversed="reversed" - Reverses the order of the list.
- start attribute. start=10 - Starts the ordered list at the value specified.
- type attribute. May be one of the following:
- 1 - Numbered list.
- A - Upper case alpha ordered list.
- a - Lower case alpha ordered list.
- I - Upper case Roman numeral list.
- i - Lower case Roman numeral list.
- Nested lists - Nested lists
- Unordered lists vary the bullet at each level by default.
- Ordered lists DO NOT vary the type of order (numeric, alpha, etc) at each level by default (bummer).
- Colors - HTML Colors
- Based on 3 Red, Green, Blue hexadecimal numbers.
- Each color has a range from 0 (x00) to 255 (xFF).
- Syntax is: #RGB, where R is red value, G is green value, B is blue value:
- #FF0000 - red
- #00FF00 - green
- #0000FF - blue
- #FFFF00 - yellow
- #FF00FF - purple
- #00FFFF - cyan
- #FFFFFF - white
- #000000 - black