CSCI 121 - Lecture 3 - Formatting - Samples (THIS IS AN H1)

This is an H1 heading

This is an H2 heading

This is an H3 heading

This is an H4 heading

This is an H5 heading
This is an H6 heading
This is an H7 heading (no such thing)

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Four score and seven
years ago...

Following is pre-formatted text

            Now is the time for all good men
            to come to the aid of their
                                -- Anonymous

Let's try to be bold!

This is strong text that must be important!

Way to go, italics!

This is what emphasized text looks like.

How about some marked text?

Now for small text.

Deleted text? Really? Deleted text?

Inserted text looks like what? Like inserted text!

Subscript text is pretty cool.

'Sup with superscript?