CSCI 121 - Pre Lab 2

Lab Resources

Lab Instructions

For this lab you are to perform each of the following:
  1. Use Brackets to create a file named blank.html.
  2. Include within blank.html the four (4) required tags included in any and all HTML documents.
  3. Navigate to (see link above).
  4. Create new folder named "CSCI 121" (if needed).
  5. Upload the blank.html file to Google Docs, storing in "CSCI 121" folder.
  6. Share the blank.html file with
  7. Verify with instructor that he received and can access the shared file.
  8. Use Brackets to open blank.html, saving as a new file named firstpage.html.
  9. Enter a title for firstpage.html, something like "My First Web Page".
  10. Enter different text between the BODY tags, save the file, load the file in a browser, repeat with different amounts of text, multiple lines of text, excessive white space, etc.
  11. Save and view different versions of the firstpage.html with varying body text. What do you notice?

Lab Topics - Topics discussed during the lab

  1. It is very important to follow lab instructions step-by-step.
  2. Naming of files to be submitted is very important. Name them as specified.
  3. Make sure to share FILES ONLY. Do not share Folders from your Google Drive.
  4. When sharing, make sure to share to:
  5. Proper indentation of HTML tags is important, with inner tags nested withn outer tags indented with respect to their parent. You will lose points on graded labs if not indented properly.