CSCI 121 - Pre Lab 1
Lab Resources
Lab Instructions
For this lab you are to perform each of the following:
- Verify Brackets is installed on the lab workstation (see link above, suggested you install on your personal laptop later if applicable).
- Create a Google account, if required, (see link above), sign-on.
- Navigate to (see link above).
- Create new folder named "CSCI 121".
- Using Brackets (or for this lab Notepad), author and save a document entitled ReadMe.txt.
- Upload the ReadMe.txt file to Google Docs, storing in "CSCI 121" folder.
- Share the ReadMe.txt file with
- Verify with instructor that he received and can access the shared file.
Lab Topics - Topics discussed during the lab
- Brackets v1.70 is free and recommeneded for download and installation to students computers.
- In future labs, explicit instructions will be given on filenames for your submissions. Please follow.
- Brackets is a rudimentary text editor that has support for HTML in it's auto-fill, color coding, etc, but it is NOT a full-featured HTML editor. The choice to use Brackets for this course was purposeful so that you could learn HTML.
- Helpful tip: Until you SAVE the current file in Brackets with a .HTML file extension, Brackets does not know you are editing an HTML document and will not offer up drop downs of HTML tags or auto-format things for you, etc. So, when starting a new document, save the blank file first with an HTML file extension then proceed to author it.
- When sharing lab submissions in the future, unless otherwise directed, please make sure to only share the specific file instructed and not your entire "CSCI 121" Google Drive folder.
- Next class if Friday Sept 2nd at 11am, room R-136.