CSCI 121 - Lab 8, part 3

Lab Resources

Lab Instructions

This lab is the third of three parts. In this part you will add a simulated search feature to your website. The purpose of this search feature is so that you display your proficiency in developing JavaScript functions that contain conditionals and then using said in your website.

  1. Continue editing lab8.html and lab8.css
  2. Specification:
    1. Your website must contain a navigation area that has at least five (5) menu choices each linking to simulated pages (as already done in labs pt 1 and pt 2).
    2. The navigation area must also include a search field for entering search criteria.
    3. You must develop a JavaScript function that will be handled by your search field such that:
    4. Following is an example of a website layout:
    5. Given the website layout and navigation items in the sample above, the website would respond to the following search strings (your list will likely be different):
  3. Important notes/hints:
    1. Please check that your final version is complete (all specification items from parts 1, 2, 3 included).
    2. Make sure the final version of the website is "portfolio worthy!"
  4. Submit final version of your lab to the professor by 11:59pm on Friday, December 9th by: