CSCI 121 - Lab 8, part 2

Lab Resources

Lab Instructions

This lab is the second of three parts. In this part you will add "simulated pages" to your website that can be clicked on through your navigation elements.

  1. Continue editing lab8.html and lab8.css
  2. Specification:
    1. Your navigation area should have five (5) total links 'pages' as described in Lab 8 part 1.
    2. Your pages should be contained in the <section> (or similar) area of your web page.
    3. The pages should be implemented as <div> elements.
    4. Use classes and a javascript function to show and hide pages based on clicking of navigation elements.
    5. The website should start with the first menu choice selected and its page visible.
    6. this specification will be finalized in the last lab section..
  3. Important notes/hints:
    1. During the last lab you should have gotten your layout complete.
    2. Get the showing and hiding of pages working as part of this lab section.
    3. Outside of the lab (between now and the next lab) work on getting content into your website.
    4. Make sure the final version of the website is "portfolio worthy!"
  4. If you wish to share interim progress with the professor: