CSCI 121 - Lab 3

Lab Resources

Lab Instructions

In this lab you will be authoring an order submission form for an online flower shop. You get to name the online retailer and can look for your own logo. Please read through all of the instructions below before starting.

  1. Use Brackets to create a file named lab3.html.
  2. Include a title for the page with your name, class and lab, i.e. Your Name - CSCI 121, Lab 3
  3. Repeat the title text as the heading for the page.
  4. Your document should have main background and text colors OTHER THAN white text on a black background by changing the style of one element only in the document. Change in the STYLE block of the HEAD.
  5. Use a table for formatting your form as shown in the example below.
  6. Use a STYLE block in the HEAD section to style the table, its rows, its cells. To stylize the table elements DO NOT specify style or set formatting attributes (other than colspan, rowspan) on individual TR, TD elements within the BODY. Use of the class attribute for a few TR or TD elements is acceptable.
  7. Include your company's logo image (anything) and name (anything) as the first row of the table (as shown below).
  8. Include all the same form elements as shown below, with all the same field labels, etc. (see below).
  9. Have submit and reset "buttons" on your form.
  10. The page should look like this (not to scale):
  11. At the bottom of the page include a mailto link with the following syntax (change your_email accordingly):
  12. Important notes/hints:
    1. Make sure to include all the form elements shown in the example.
    2. Make sure that all form elements have a meaningful, correct name attribute value supplied.
    3. The action URL of the form must be:
    4. Sensitive data is being sent via the form. Make sure your page submits accordingly.
    5. Test your form submit. All selected, checked, entered form elements must be visible when submitting. They should all show up listed in a table in a page entitled "CGI Form Data:".
  13. Upload the lab3.html file to Google Docs, storing in your "CSCI 121" folder.
  14. Share the lab3.html file with

Lab 3 Sample

Lab 3 sample page here.