CSCI 121 - Exam 1 Open Book

Exam Resources


For this portion of the exam you are to perform each of the following (read all steps before starting):
  1. Use Brackets to create a file named exam1.html.
  2. Include a title for the page with your name, class and exam, i.e. Your Name - CSCI 121, Exam 1
  3. Your document should have yellow text on a blue background by changing the style of one element only in the document.
  4. Repeat the title text as the heading of your page.
  5. You should include a captioned table, with caption of "Checkerboard"
  6. The table should look like a vintage checkerboard, see picture below (not to scale):
  7. Change the style of all links so that their link text color is yellow.
  8. Important notes/hints:
    1. The checkerboard must have as many (8x8) alternating black and red "spaces" exactly as shown.
    2. The borders around the checkerboard and between the red and black spaces on the board are gold.
    3. The red and black spaces are just that, red and black in color.
    4. There should be no blue line(s) between the red and black spaces.
    5. Each space is 60px square.
    6. The border around the table is 10px wide.
    7. The border around each square is 5px wide.
  9. At the bottom of the page include a mailto link with the following syntax (cut-n-paste and change your_email accordingly):
  10. Upload the exam1.html file to Google Docs, storing in your "CSCI 121" folder.
  11. Share the exam1.html file with