CSCI-121 Assignment #1 - Solution

Things the assignment submission should have included:

  1. A file named assignment.html
  2. The following in the STYLE tag of the HEAD area of the document:
    h1 {
         font-size: 1.5em;
         margin-bottom: 1.34em;
  3. An H1 with proper text within: CSCI-121 Assignment #1
  4. Body text of some kind.

Things several seemed to get wrong:

  1. Wrong file name.
  2. Used the style attribute of the H1 element itself. The instruction was to use a STYLE tag.
  3. The "math" was wrong for 25% smaller font size, 2x larger bottom margin.
  4. Incorrect HTML basic 4 elements.
  5. Incorrect indentation.