CSCI-121 Assignment #1

Topics Reinforced

  1. 4 basic elements of every HTML document (review).
  2. Use of the newly introduced H1 heading tag (lecture 3).
  3. Submitting assignments to the professor (review).

Assigment Instructions

Background: You are responsible for authoring several web pages for a client. The client does not like the look of the title at the top of each of your web pages. She feels that the text is too large and would like more spacing between the bottom of the title and the rest of the document body. She would like this change on every page you author.

Your instructions and your assignment are to:

  1. Research how to use the <STYLE> tag to change the bottom margin and font size of the H1 tag.
  2. Author a new file named: assignment1.html
  3. Within the assignment1.html include all the required, basic 4 HTML tags (henceforth in future assignments and labs this will NOT be stated but must always be done).
  4. Include an H1 tag in the body, and include within the heading the following text: CSCI-121 Assignment #1
  5. Change the style of the H1 element within the STYLE tag of the document such that:
  6. Place some text in the body of the document after the H1 to show the margin between the H1 and said text.
  7. Upload the assignment.html file to your google drive and share it with me:
  8. Assignment due by: This assignment is due by midnight, Sunday Sept 11th. is a good resource for the default style of the H1 element.