CSCI 161: Creating a Project in Eclipse

See your CSCI 161 "Lab 1" for more information on creating projects.

  1. Create a new project in Eclipse by selecting "File -> New -> Project...", then select "Java Project" and click the "Next" button.
  2. Enter the project name. AVOID using spaces.

  3. Check "Use project folder as root for sources and class files" under "Project Layout".

  4. Click the "Finish" button. Unless you wish to import Java source files (that, e.g., you transferred from another computer), you are done.

  5. If you want to import existing files into the project, right-click the newly-created project in the Package Explorer.

  6. Select "Import...", expand the General folder, and choose File System. Click the "Next" button.

  7. For the "From directory", browse to the directory that contains the files you wish to import.

  8. Check the folder name and only the ".java" files you wish to import. Click "Finish".

Gary M. Zoppetti, Ph.D.