Title: Performance Example Problems from Slides Class: CSCI 370.50A Name: ... ****************************************************************************** 1) Suppose processor A takes 10 s, and B 15 s. How much faster is A than B? s = P_a / P_b = T_b / T_a = 15 s / 10 s = ## 1.5 ## A is 1.5 times faster, or equivalently, (1.5 - 1) * 100% = 50% faster. ****************************************************************************** 2) Suppose a processor has a clock speed of 2.5 GHz. What is the cycle time? tau = 1 / f = 1 / (2.5e9 c/s) = 0.4e-9 s / c = ## 0.4 ns / c ## ****************************************************************************** 3) CPU A has a 2 GHz clock and takes 10 s to perform a task. We are designing CPU B, and would like it to take 6 s for the same task. We can use a faster clock in B, but doing so causes it to use 20% more clock cycles than A. How fast must CPU B's clock be? ****************************************************************************** 4) CPU A has a cycle time of 250 ps, and a CPI of 2.0. CPU B has a cycle time of 500 ps, and a CPI of 1.2. Both CPUs run the same program, and implement the same ISA. Which is faster and by how much? ****************************************************************************** 5) Show below are data for alternative compiled code sequences using instructions in three classes (A, B, and C). Find the clock cycles and average CPI for both sequences. Class A B C ============================= CPI 1 2 3 IC in Seq 1 2 1 2 IC in Seq 2 4 1 1 ****************************************************************************** 6) Suppose a new CPU has 85% of the capacitive load of the old one, and reduces voltage and frequency by 15%. What's the overall power reduction? ****************************************************************************** 7) Suppose a program takes 100 s to run, and multiplies account for 80 s. How much do we need to improve multiply performance to get an overall speedup of 5 overall? ******************************************************************************