CSCI 330: Programming Languages
Spring 2025
Section | Days | Time | Room |
01 | M F | 03:00 – 03:50 pm |
Roddy 147 |
- | R | 03:10 – 05:00 pm |
- |
Gary M. Zoppetti, Ph.D.
Office: Roddy 134
Office Hours and Contact Info:
Section 01: Fri, 05/09; 10:15 — 12:15 pm
Syllabus and Assignments
- Syllabus
- Unless otherwise specified, a due date of X means the
assignment is due by 11:59 pm on day X. Times are
strictly enforced by the grading system, and there are NO grace
days! Only the LATEST submission will be graded.
- Reading
- Preliminaries (1)
- Evolution of the Major Programming Languages (2)
- Describing Syntax and Semantics (3)
- Data Types (6)
- Names, Bindings, and Scopes (5)
- Expressions and Assignment Statements (7)
- Statement-Level Control Structures (8)
- Subprograms (9)
- Implementing Subprograms (10)
- Abstract Data Types (11)
- OOP (12)
- Exception Handling (14)
- Assignments
Assignment 0: Research Assignment; due Mon, 04/14.
Assignment 0.
Assignment 1: Code Investigation (Rosetta Code, Language
Comparison); due Wed, 01/29.
Assignment 1.
Assignment 2: OCaml Intro (OCaml, Functional Programming);
due Wed, 02/12.
Assignment 2.
Assignment 3: Tail Recursion (Tail Recursion, Nested
Functions); due Thu, 02/20.
Assignment 3.
Useful Links
Gary M. Zoppetti, Ph.D.